Home Technology It is possible to become a web designer from sales! teaching how to learn!

It is possible to become a web designer from sales! teaching how to learn!

by Yasir Aslam
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Is it possible to change jobs from sales jobs to a web designers?
I’m inexperienced, but what should I do to become a web designer in sales?

Aren’t there a lot of people who have doubts? More and more people are aiming for jobs that allow them to work from home, such as web designers, so many people must be wondering how to become web designers.

In this article, I will explain why you can become a web designer from a sales job even if you have no experience, and how to become a web designer .

Table of Contents

  • The reason why it is possible to change jobs from sales to a web designer
  • Skills you need to acquire to become a web designer from sales
  • Learning method to become a web designer from sales
  • If you have no experience and want to change from sales to web designer, “school” is recommended
  • Summary

Reasons why it is possible to change jobs from sales to web designers


Image: 3 reasons why you can change jobs from sales to a web designer

It is possible to become a web designer from sales. Web designers need specialized skills, but even if you have no experience, you can change jobs as long as you have the skills.

Because it’s a job in high demand.

As the number of various web services, websites, and applications continues to increase year by year, the demand for web designers is expected to continue to grow.

Some say that the emergence of services like NoCode, which allows anyone to easily create websites, will eliminate the jobs of web designers. We need someone who can propose a design that is unique to you.

However, since simple work will be replaced by tools, it is good to have plus α skills.

There are so many ways to learn

there are many ways to learn

Currently, there is an environment in which it is easy to learn web design even if you have no experience.

There are learning sites on the Internet where you can learn from the beginning, and if you go to a school, you can be taught by professionals, and there are also services that support job hunting and career change activities. Various types of books are available for beginners to advanced students, so you can start studying relatively cheaply.

no special qualifications required

There are no qualifications required to work as a web designer. No qualifications or licenses are required, so anyone can start working as a web designer.

Studying for qualification will indeed give you the knowledge and prove your skills, so obtaining a qualification is effective in finding a job or changing jobs. However, skills and experience are important for work, so rather than sticking to obtaining qualifications, let’s brush up on your skills.

Skills you need to acquire to become a web designer from sales


It’s a job as a designer, but you can’t do it with just design talent. Minimum knowledge of handling various software and PC / Web production is required.

To become a web designer, you need to have the following skills.

  • Design skills
  • Illustrator and Photoshop skills
  • HTML/CSS skills
  • JavaScript skills

First of all, design skills are essential to design. Then, to give shape to the design, we process and edit the image using software such as Illustrator and Photoshop, and create logos and illustrations. Furthermore, as a web designer, you will create websites, so you should know the basics of HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

For web designer skills, please read the article below as it explains in detail.

What is web design? Complete coverage of knowledge and learning methods that beginners should know
Updated: September 13, 2022

Learning method to become a web designer from sales


There are several ways to learn to become a web designer, but here are three typical methods.

Self-study with books and learning sites

The advantage of studying with books and learning sites is that it does not cost. However, there is also a disadvantage in that it is easy to get frustrated because there is no one to consult.


Joining a company where inexperience is OK

If you can join a company that accepts inexperienced employees, you can receive a salary while studying. Rather than continuing to study on your own, learning on-site is less risky and more efficient.

However, there are not many companies that will teach you through training from scratch, even if you have no experience. When I searched Rikunabi for web designer jobs, I found 275 jobs. (As of October 2020)

However, there are only 21 cases if you add the condition of inexperienced welcome. In addition, these jobs have age restrictions and low salaries, so the conditions are not so good.

Therefore, if you acquire skills and then change jobs, the chances of getting into a good company will increase.

Learn at school and change jobs

The advantage of studying at a school is that you can acquire solid skills because you can learn from professional instructors. However, it has the disadvantage of being more expensive than other learning methods.

However, since you can learn more efficiently than self-study, there are many cases where you can change jobs in the shortest time without wasting time, resulting in better cost performance. If you want to learn from a professional and acquire solid skills, or if you want to learn efficiently, go to school.

If you have no experience and want to change from sales to web designer, “school” is recommended


Image: School is recommended for changing jobs from sales to a web designer

If you are inexperienced and want to become a web designer, attending school is the most efficient way to learn. Learning from a professional not only gives you a high level of skill, but it’s also an environment where you can ask questions about things you don’t understand, so you can continue without getting frustrated.

Our school “Samurai Engineer” is characterized by one-on-one instruction by dedicated instructors and a custom-made curriculum tailored to each individual, so you can learn efficiently at your own pace.

Also, since we are focusing on creating original products (websites, etc.), it is advantageous for web designers who place importance on skills and achievements! Of course, it comes with free support for finding employment and changing jobs, so it is recommended for those who are strongly conscious of changing jobs.

In free counseling, we also advise on learning to become a web designer and consultation on careers. First of all, feel free to take free counseling.


Even if you have no experience, it is possible to work as a web designer if you acquire skills and knowledge. However, there are many other things to learn besides design skills, such as HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

Nowadays, there are various learning methods, so it is easy to learn, but there are many rivals, so let’s learn efficiently and aim to become a web designer.


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