Home Technology What is General Government Network (LGWAN)? Explaining the basic policy and benefits

What is General Government Network (LGWAN)? Explaining the basic policy and benefits

by Yasir Aslam
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This article explains basic information about the General Government Network (LGWAN). It provides an overview, basic policy, explanation of security measures, and the main benefits that can be obtained by using it. If you know the name LGWAN but don’t know the details, please read this article.

What is General Government Network (LGWAN)?  Explaining the basic policy and benefits

Table of contents

  1. What is General Government Network (LGWAN)?
  2. Basic policy of LGWAN
  3. LGWAN security measures
  4. List of services available on LGWAN
  5. LGWAN portal site
  6. Application services
  7. Advantages of introducing General Government Network (LGWAN)
  8. Improving the efficiency of administrative work
  9. Curbing duplicate investments
  10. Improving resident services
  11. summary

What is General Government Network (LGWAN)?

LGWAN is a closed network exclusively for government use. It is not connected to the public network that you normally use.

It is used as a communications infrastructure that connects the internal LANs of local governments, making information sharing and communication between local governments smoother than before. In addition, high-level security mechanisms have been implemented, allowing you to view e-mails, web pages, etc. in a secure internet environment.

The main purpose of introducing this system is to eliminate the IT disparity between local governments and improve the efficiency of administrative work. It is operated by J-LIS (Local Government Information System Institute).

Basic policy of LGWAN

There are eight basic policies, but the main purpose is to build a common network infrastructure for governments and local governments, and to ensure a high level of security. The introduction of this system also aims to facilitate the exchange of information between local governments and reduce capital investment costs.

LGWAN security measures

The main measures implemented include preventing unauthorized access with firewalls, encrypting communication routes, intrusion detection functions (IDS), monitoring by experts (setting up an SOC), and public key cryptography.

To explain each measure, a firewall has the role of preventing unauthorized access from the outside and protecting the core servers of the LGWAN.

Communication path encryption is a technology that prevents eavesdropping by making the communication path difficult to discern. Prevents third parties from viewing data contents without permission.

Intrusion detection function (IDS) is a function that detects unauthorized access by monitoring all communications with IDS. Additionally, with the establishment of a SOC, experts conduct security monitoring 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Public key cryptography is an authentication technology that prevents falsification, spoofing, and post-repudiation of exchanged information. The certificate used for authentication is issued by LGPKI (Local Government Organization Certification Infrastructure) as a third party organization.

Because the above-mentioned careful security measures have been implemented, information communication between governments can be carried out in a safer manner.

List of services available on LGWAN

We will introduce the services that will become available by introducing the system.

LGWAN portal site

This site contains information about this system. You can check operational information, failure information, latest information/topics from the operator, planned outage information, regulatory documents, etc.

To view the portal site, an environment that can connect to LGWAN is required, and connection from a public network is not possible.

Additionally, since April 2019, the LGWAN Operation Center has been established as a general point of contact.

Application services

Basic services include an information bulletin board, mailing list, and registration/change of LG.JP domain name.

The information bulletin board is a place for local governments to exchange information with each other. The LG.JP domain name is available for exclusive use by local governments. By using a dedicated domain name, it can be shown that the site is officially operated by the local government, allowing residents, businesses, etc. to use the site with peace of mind.

ASP services such as electronic applications and notifications, electronic bidding systems, and national tax coordination services are provided by various related organizations.

Advantages of introducing General Government Network (LGWAN)

We will explain the three benefits that can be gained by introducing this system and the changes compared to the conventional system.

Improving the efficiency of administrative work

Interconnection between local governments and common government networks will facilitate the exchange and sharing of information over a wide range of areas. One of the benefits of introducing it is that by connecting governments and local governments with a common communication infrastructure, waste in administrative work can be reduced and administrative processing can be speeded up.

Previously, each local government had to build and maintain their own systems. However, if this system is introduced, business services will be able to use those provided by ASP. Since local governments can use common business services via LGWAN, the burden of system development work that was previously performed will be reduced.

Curbing duplicate investments

LGWAN is built as a highly versatile information and communications infrastructure. Therefore, by replacing traditional methods, it is possible to suppress redundant investment in local government networks and reduce operating costs.

Previously, there was no common communication infrastructure between local governments, which led to inefficient methods such as requiring individual lines to communicate with other parties. Additionally, each local government needs to install lines and terminals, which is costly and difficult to manage.

By introducing this system, local governments will have a common communications infrastructure. Local government networks that were previously separated will now be interconnected, eliminating the need for the complicated procedures of the past, allowing for smoother communication, information exchange, and sharing. Additionally, various systems and equipment that each local government would have had to invest in can be consolidated, leading to cost reductions.

Improving resident services

The introduction of LGWAN will bring the national and local governments closer together than ever before, improving the quality of administrative services provided to residents. For example, the provision of administrative information necessary for residents’ daily lives and the digitization of application and notification procedures will be promoted, making them more convenient.

Additionally, a high level of security is ensured, increasing the confidentiality of important information. The possibility of leakage of personal information due to eavesdropping, etc. is reduced, and administrative services can be provided based on a highly reliable information infrastructure.

Furthermore, the data centers that support LGWAN communication systems are managed in an environment with excellent disaster resistance and physical security, ensuring business continuity even in the event of an earthquake or other trouble.


A general government network (LGWAN) is a closed network dedicated to government, separated from the public network. It has been introduced primarily to facilitate the exchange and sharing of information between local governments.

In addition to allowing information and communication to be carried out in a highly secure environment, the introduction of this service is expected to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve resident services.

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