In Google Analytics, both in the era of Universal Analytics and in the era of Google Analytics 4 , users are identified based on the “client ID” recorded in the browser’s …
If you’re using gtag.js right now, many of you may be thinking that you can’t set the client id in a custom dimension. However, although there is no official documentation, it is …
In recent years, the importance of customer relationship (CRM) and marketing automation (MA) has been attracting attention. The LTV (Life Time Value) introduced here is one of the important indicators …
On October 14, 2020 , “Google Analytics 4” was introduced on the GMP official blog in the form of Introducing the new Google Analytics . “Google Analytics 4” is the renaming of …
What is store management? Explaining issues and points for improving efficiency
Store management operations include a wide range of tasks such as sales management and human resources management. In order to increase sales, all of these operations must run smoothly at all …